Common Lisp provide many iteration-related macros, but their usages often confuse beginners. So I think it the time to write an introduction to Lisp iteration/loop.
In Emacs Lisp, the following function/macro are also available, but (require 'cl) first is necessary.
(let ((i0)) (while (< i 5) (princ i) (incf i))) ;; => 01234nil ;; note: nil is the return-value of `while' itself. 01234 is the side-effect of princ. (let ((i0) result) (while (< i 5) (setq result (concat result (format"%s, " i))) (incf i)) ;equal to (setq i (1+ i)) result) ;;=> "0, 1, 2, 3, 4, "
While TEST in non-nil, eval BODY…
Repeat until TEST is nil.
A list as input argument is required.
mapcar and mapcollect all results (of FUNCTION) into a list and return it.
map can sqecify output SEQUENCE type but mapcar can’t.
mapc just for side-effect, and it always return the original list. That’s to say, you have to do what you want in lambda body, e.g. (push (* x x) output-list).
You can also use map/mapcar like this:
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(mapcar #'cons '(123) '(a b c)) ;; => ((1 . a) (2 . b) (3 . c)) (mapcar #'list '(123) '(a b c) '("Apple""Banana""Citrus")) ;; => ((1 a "Apple") (2 b "Banana") (3 c "Citrus"))
Notice: In Emacs Lisp, use mapcar* instead; otherwise, mapcar cannot accept multiple sequences.
A list as input argument is required.
(dolist (VAR LIST [RESULT]) BODY...)
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(dolist (x '(12345)) (princ x)) ;; => 12345nil ;; note: nil is the return-value of dolist itself. (let (result) (dolist (x '("a""b""c""d""e") (format"Output is %s" result)) ; (VAR LIST RESULT) (setq result (concat result x ", ")))) ;; => "Output is a, b, c, d, e, "
Default return-value is nil, but you can specify RESULT as its return-value.
It’s only available with a LIST.
(dotimes (VAR COUNT [RESULT]) BODY...)
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(dotimes (i5) (princ i)) ;; => 01234nil ;; note: nil is the return-value of `dotimes' itself. 01234 is the "side-effect" of princ.
Count from 0. e.g. (dotimes (i 5) ...), i= 0, 1, 2, 3, 4
Same as dolist, Used for side-effect.
Default return-value is nil, but you can specify it in RESULT.
(do ((VAR INIT [STEP])...)
(do ((i0 (1+ i))) ; (VAR INIT [STEP]) ((= i 5)) ; (END-TEST) (princ i)) ;; => 01234nil
(do ((a0 (1+ a)) ; (VAR INIT [STEP]) (b5 (1- b))) ; (VAR INIT [STEP]) ((= b 0)) ; (END-TEST) (princ (list a b))) ;; => (0 5)(1 4)(2 3)(3 2)(4 1)nil ;; note: lists are the "side-effect" of `princ'. nil is the return-value of `do' itself. ;; (Because we doesn't add RESULT, its return-value is nil.)
;; Now let's add RESULT argument: (do ((a0 (1+ a)) ; ((VAR INIT [STEP]) (b5 (1- b))) ; (VAR INIT [STEP])) ((= b 0) (vector a b)) ; (END-TEST [RESULT...]) (princ (list a b)) ) ;; => (0 5)(1 4)(2 3)(3 2)(4 1)[5 0]
Multiple variables (VAR) is acceptable, and they will update their values by eval STEP after each iteration.
Default return-value is nil, but you can specify it in RESULT.
End the loop when END-TEST is non-nil, and eval RESULT as return-value of do.
“How Lisp loop macro works?” “Magic.”
loop is the most complexe iteration macro in Lisp. It’s very powerful, but before playing with it, a lot of “keywords” and rules needed to be memorized and comprehended first. Following merely noted some most frequently used keywords and their usages:
for + from/to/below/above/downto
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(loop for i from 0 to 5 do (princ i)) ;; "do" won't return anything; so return-value of loop itself is nil. ;; => 012345nil
;; "Collect" results into a list (like `mapcar'/`map') (loop for i from 1 to 5 collect (* i i)) ;"collect" all results of (* i i) into a list as `loop's return-value ;; => (1 4 9 16 25)
;; for + from/to/below/above/downto (loop for i from 3 to 10 collect i) ;; => (3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) (loop for i to 10 collect i) ;; => (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10) (loop for i below 10 collect i) ;; => (0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
(loop for i from 10 above 0 collect i) ;; => (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1) (loop for i from 10 downto 0 collect i) ;; => (10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0)
for + in/across
in is easy to understand, it just traverse over all elements in LIST. across is used on ARRAY/VECTOR
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;; for + in LIST (loop for x in '("Apple""Banana""Citrus") collect (concat x " is fruit.")) ;; => ("Apple is fruit." "Banana is fruit." "Citrus is fruit.")
;; for + across ARRAY/VECTOR (loop for x across ["Apple""Banana""Citrus"] collect (concat x " is fruit.")) ;; => ("Apple is fruit." "Banana is fruit." "Citrus is fruit.")
;; Multiple VARs (loop for (x y) in '((23) (45) (67)) collect (+ x y)) ;; => (5 9 13)
on is a little strange, which traverse over all cons cells of the LIST.
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(loop for x on '("Apple""Banana""Citrus") collect x) ;; => (("Apple" "Banana" "Citrus") ("Banana" "Citrus") ("Citrus"))
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;; repeat n times (loop repeat 3 do (princ"Hello!")) ;return-value of loop itself is nil. ;; => Hello!Hello!Hello!nil
do itself won’t return anything.
usages are similiar to collect.
count FORM count the times when FORM is non-nil.
You can use into to save the value into a variable.
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(loop for i from 1 to 100 minimize i) => 1
(loop for i from 1 to 100 sum i into SUM count (and (>= i 11) (eq (% i 11) 0)) into MULTIPLE-OF-11 maximize i into MAX finally return (format"sum: %s, multiples of 11: %s, max: %s" SUM MULTIPLE-OF-11 MAX)) ;; => "sum: 5050, multiples of 11: 9, max: 100"
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;; Note: `when' is just a synonym for `if' (loop for i from 1 to 10 when (oddp i) collect i into x finally return x) => (13579) (loop for i from 1 to 10 when (oddp i) collect i into x else collect i into y finally return (vector x y)) => [(1 3 5 7 9) (2 4 6 8 10)]
finally [do] FORMS... and finally return FORM will execute FORM after the whole loop is done.
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;; `for VAR =` to set VAR at every iterates. (loop for a from 1 to 10 for b = (* a a) collect (list a b)) ;; => ((1 1) (2 4) (3 9) (4 16) (5 25) (6 36) (7 49) (8 64) (9 81) (10 100))
;; `with VAR =` to set VAR, but leave it alone during the loop. (loop for a from 1 to 10 with b = (* a a) collect (list a b)) ;; => ((1 1) (2 1) (3 1) (4 1) (5 1) (6 1) (7 1) (8 1) (9 1) (10 1))
;; so if you want, add a `do` to update `b` every loop (loop for a from 1 to 10 with b = (* a a) do (setq b (* a a)) collect (list a b)) ;; => ((1 1) (2 4) (3 9) (4 16) (5 25) (6 36) (7 49) (8 64) (9 81) (10 100))
Return value of loop would be t or nil.
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(loop for size in '(1211148) always (> size 10)) => nil
(loop for size in '(12111415) always (> size 10)) => t